I like my pi at a static IP making it easy to find (and use my 'droid as a remote!):
- XMBC -> Program -> XBMC Settings -> Static IP
- Change the default password (raspberry): sudo passwd
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5
# Installs 10 packages
# Choose a sql root password
- sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# comment out Bind-Address to allow external connections.
- mysql -u root -p # set up xbmc as a user
mysql> CREATE USER 'xbmc'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'xbmc';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
mysql> quit
Then, the following needs to be done for each XBMC installation that is to connect to this server (including the one just set up with MySQL!):
- cd ~/.kodi/userdata
- put the following into a newly created file advancedsettings.xml:
Miscellaneous notes:
- "Sources" are stored in ~/.kodi/userdata/sources.xml
- Source format for a SMB file share: "smb://servername/ShareName/[Folders]"
- List remote SMB shares: smbclient -L servername -Uusername
- Logging can be enabled via Settings → System → Debugging # filename given onscreen
- If you find the need, the MySQL database can be deleted:
- mysql -u xbmc -p xbmc
- mysql> DROP DATABASE xbmc_video90; # 'show databases;' if your version is different
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