Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ubuntu renewed!

It's been three years since I put together my Ubuntu computer out of scrap parts in the basement. I've decided I now want to try my hand at putting together a web site that allows for user login management and create lists of items. I bought PHP & MySQL Everyday Apps for Dummies, thinking that must be the way to figure this stuff out -- just "do it"!

By page 11, it became apparent that I needed the right server configuration, and I could no longer get Internet updates for my Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn, so I found an unused 80GB HDD to format and start fresh with 10.04 Lucid Linx.

I've pretty much got my Ubuntu server back to where I started, with the addition of MySQL being installed along side Apache & PHP. It severs up the original static pages I built so long ago here Maybe by the time you read this there will be new content there and some database related 'stuff'!

Now just have to set up remote access so I don't need to be physically at the machine to make edits, then I can get past page 11 and start seeing how this stuff works!

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