I got to go see what my brother and Dad have been working on while I was working out of town: the solar panels are up:
The 10Kw backup generator is installed:
The batteries have a box, vented to the outdoors and are connected to the charge controller:
From the right, the charge control system, the 2500 watt 110v inverter and generator transfer switch:
And (left-most) connection to the house:
They've got it all connected except the backup generator auto-start, controlled by low battery voltage.
The details are:
6 Kyocera KC130TM (130 watt, 12v) panels wired in 3 pairs then paralleled to a Flexcharge Charge Controller (Charlevoix MI 547-9430) This goes to a bank of 12-6v NAPA 8144N (115min @ 75amps) lead acid batteries, 3 groups paralleled of 4 in series.
The inverter is from Outback Power Systems and supplies a maximum of 20amps at 120v to the house.
Pretty cool to have power in the house!