Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor day bridge Walk

For the first time, I did the 'touristy thing' with Rachel and crossed the mighty Mackinac bridge on foot. We were part of the 40,000+ people that crossed this year with the governor.
Of course she was gone by the time we got to the starting line at 7:19am, and a few people were in front of us.

We were watching the watchers as we crossed:

It was a most excellent day for a stroll, 5MPH wind, sun and 72 degrees:

A view behind us after we crossed the finish line 1:39 later. Of course, as the Governor finished her run in 35 minutes, 27 seconds, she was long gone.

After we found the Taurus, we found this view of the bridge:

Found some videos posted from the same day on YouTube

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