Thursday, March 27, 2008

Added the humidifier

Today they finished up a few more items, and added the humidifier.

Seems the items that need to be finished up are:

  • 1 piece of pipe insulation
  • move the humidifier source from the cold water supply to the warm off the hot water heater
  • reconnect the control lines for the cutoff control unit
  • install our back ordered thermostat
  • tell me why the "small" water output valve is always open, even when the unit is off

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Now the plumbing

The new unit appears plumbed, and the output plenum is on.

I turned on the unit and the entire family was surprised at just how quite it runs, compared to the old one. It is going to be WAY to quite in the house now!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new!

Well, we've decided to proceed with our Geo-Thermal replacement; the supplier we chose is Great Lakes Plumbing and Heating of Indian River.

Here is day One of the furnace update:

Out with the old:

In with the new:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

After a nice dinner with the family and when Dawn went off to work, I finished up the "business side" of the downstairs bathroom.

It has been a while since this side has been this clean or useful.

On the vanity side of the bathroom, I've got the old pipe removed and replaced the drywall to get it on it's way to completion. This shows a couple layers of mud on board, and will be ready for some paint "soon"!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Working on Ubuntu setup

A couple weeks ago my brother and sister-in-law gave me an older computer, on which I wanted to set up a home-based web server.

So far, I've managed to get Ubuntu 7.04 "the Feisty Fawn" installed, got vsFTP server running, signed up for a DynDns domain name (, set up ddclient to keep that DNS pointed at my current cable-modem's IP address, and now I'm on to setting up a web server.

I am still stumbling on how to get the users I want to have access to my machine. So far, I can sign in within my house and have it work the way I want, but if I go over the cable modem/router the actual file transfer and directory listings don't go through. I poked ports 20 & 21 through my LinkSys, but there seems to be something more that I need to do...

I found a helpful Tutorial here for setting up Apache 2. Didn't take too much effort, and it was up and running a simple set of static web pages in just a few minutes! See the results here!

Following that, I set up SAMBA following this detailed guide, and that was good to go!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting things buttoned back up

The utility room is completed now:

Got the drywall back above the toilet. Just have to put the paneling back after I get a white piece of panel seam.