Saturday, October 24, 2009

Back home!

After a solid 3 weeks of preparation and a week on the road, got a presentation off my 'to do' list at work. Haven't had any time to get to my Dad's all month!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oh, No!

Got a call this morning that Rachel was feeling sick at the hotel after the marching competition. I took her to the Dr. after she got back to town where we learned she officially had the flu -- probably H1N1 (swine flu)! Joy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Marching Northmen!

Took the day and went to watch Rachel march in a competition at Jenison, MI (west of Grand Rapids). They put on a great show, the last one I am able to see as I have to be out of town next week.

They took second (the only 2nd they got this year), though they are #1 in my book!
They competed against the same school later that evening in another competition and won there!