Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial weekend working on Dad's

We finished another room today -- we drywalled the other deep closet in the master bedroom.

We also managed to complete 2/3 of the drywall in the master bedroom -- it's actually beginning to look like rooms!

Kitchen with all it's drywall:

Upstairs master bedroom, northwest drywall:

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another weekend on Dad's house

We managed to finish the ceiling insulation in this two-day session, as well as the east wall is now insulated. That leaves very little insulation to complete the actual house.

Part way across the ceiling on Saturday:

The kitchen:

The living and dining rooms:

The finished ceiling:

Grandpa's helper:

Not pictured, we also hung the first 5 sheets of drywall (in the kitchen).