At 3am today the dishwasher broke. When it began the discharge cycle, it started making a humongous racket.
We have a Maytag MDB7100AWQ, serial 24135498YZ. The handle of a pot prevented the bottom rotating arm from spinning, and I think it ground some plastic nubs off the bottom side of the Discharge Housing Assembly.
Under this Housing:

I found a flat disc that looks like it is to act as a slip-clutch with tabs on the bottom of the impeller:

What I'm wondering about, is this really a problem (and the shortened tabs mean I need to buy a new part) or is this by design and I need to look for the source of my grinding noise elsewhere?

When I assemble the unit without the flat disc and run the drain cycle, it is rather quite, so I really think this is the problem. Might be I need
one of these: